Decommissioning senior attendance centres for simpler, more consistent sentencing options

Introduced in June of this year, The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 stated that Senior Attendance Centres (SAC) would no longer be available as a sentencing option for courts in England and Wales.


Work is underway to finish delivering the final SAC curriculum for existing cases with a low number of cases being concluded.


The removal of SAC as a sentencing option should promote simpler and more consistent sentencing. 


By ensuring regions have greater flexibility to offer more tailored interventions for people on probation, our hope is to deliver greater impact and contribute to the overall aim of reducing reoffending.



This change impacted 7 regions which had been providing SAC as a sentencing option; London, Yorkshire & Humber, North West, Kent Surrey Sussex, West Midlands, East Midlands and South Central.  


Staff who previously held SAC Facilitator roles were given the opportunity to receive training to deliver Structured Interventions and Officers in Charge, who previously oversaw SAC work, moved into Programme Manager roles.


Ongoing work 

There are approximately 100 live SAC cases remaining, which are due to be completed before the end of this year. Regions are ensuring that remaining SAC cases are delivered and Structured Interventions can absorb the increased demand.


As part of the arrangements to decommission SACs, any interventions not included in the current suite of Approved Structured Interventions (Sis) will cease. Approved SIs became available on EQUIP from early April – read more a bout them.  


Any interventions which regions wish to continue to deliver in addition to the suite of 10 approved SIs are referred to the Effective Interventions Panel for approval to be included in the approved SI suite, in the first instance.