New suite of Structured Interventions

From January, there will have been a new suite of Structured Interventions to choose from, some of which I may be familiar with. There will be twelve new SIs falling into three categories, Domestic Abuse (DA), Attitudes, Thinking and Behaviour (ATB) and Emotional Management (EM).  The new SIs are shorter and can be used for PoPs that are either not suitable for Accredited Programmes (AcP), or risk not securing a place on their AcP prior to the cessation of their licence or order. The streamlined selection will benefit more PoPs and create new learning opportunities for my Facilitators.

My region will have selected the SIs we wish to deliver, and I may have been involved in this decision. Working with my Head of Programmes I will have agreed a local delivery and implementation plan and I will now ensure that there is a plan to communicate this to practitioners and key stakeholders. I will continue to collate all referrals to SIs and begin scheduling groups.

My team will receive training on each SI they are expected to deliver, however I will need to ensure they have received Core Skills training and are aware of expectations around delivery. I will need to familiarise myself with, and ensure my team have read, the suite of SI manuals and watched the recorded briefings available on EQuiP and Mylearning.

Relevant to

These April changes apply to:

  • Programme Managers