New suite of Structured Interventions (SI)

From January, there will be a new suite of Structured Interventions (SI) to choose from, some of which I may be familiar with. There will be twelve new SIs falling into three categories, Domestic Abuse (DA), Attitudes, Thinking and Behaviour (ATB) and Emotional Management (EM).  The new SIs are shorter and can be used as part of recovery for People on Probation (PoPs) that are either not suitable for Accredited Programmes (AcP), or risk not securing a place on their AcP prior to the cessation of their licence or order. My region will have selected the SIs we wish to deliver.

I will need to ensure that the Structured Interventions are delivered to the requirements of the SI manual and practice guidance Structured Interventions (Master) ( which may involve video monitoring or observation of sessions. I may be working in a region where this has not been previous practice, I will have had the opportunity to attend briefings on the interventions including the delivery requirements.  Structured Interventions have been designed to align with the Treatment Management provisions for accredited programmes (AcP) so if I have completed the relevant AcP TM training and the mandatory Structured Interventions briefing, I won’t require any additional training.

Having a variety of interventions will ensure that we can meet the needs of PoPs and assist them to desist from offending.  Using my skill of treatment management across these interventions will help to ensure consistent, high quality delivery as well enabling the development of the facilitators practice.

Relevant to

These March changes apply to:

  • Treatment Managers