Preparing for new Toolkits

I will continue to deliver the approved suite of Probation Practitioner toolkits (ASPPT) when delivering 1:1 change work with PoP as part of RAR delivery. I will have been made aware that I need to stop using non-approved legacy toolkits in December 2021. In early 2022 additional toolkits will be available for me to use that incorporate CRC and NPS materials that I may be familiar with. I will need to spend some time getting familiar with the new materials, once I have done this it should help me deliver consistently and structure work with POP in response to need. I will need to be aware of the correct NSI’s to record RAR delivery and ensure I am recording in the correct way.

Relevant to

These November changes apply to:

  • Probation Officers (PO)
  • Probation Services Officers (PSO)