Briefing on the introduction of Alcohol Monitoring on License 

Throughout February and March my team and I will be invited to attend briefings on the roll out of Alcohol Monitoring on License (England). Due to launch in June, Alcohol monitoring is an intervention to directly support the management of alcohol related risk and will make it possible to identify when a drinking episode begins, allowing my staff to discuss the triggers of a drinking event with their PoP. It Supports compliance with other licence conditions, management of their alcohol consumption and can also enable my practitioners to get support from alcohol services and / or help to identify to what extent additional support is needed.

The sessions will cover how the alcohol monitoring technology works, the end-to-end process, eligibility, suitability, recommending the licence conditions, tagging installation options, FAQs and how to manage an AM case. Sessions can be booked by clicking on the link.

Relevant to

These February changes apply to:

  • Senior Probation Officers
  • Probation Officers (PO)
  • Probation Services Officers (PSO)

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