UPW PSO – Previous changes – November 2021

November 2021

New PoP Induction Pack

I will conduct a face-to-face induction with all my People on Probation (PoP) using the core induction pack and selecting any additional paperwork according to sentence requirements. The induction pack is on EQuiP. Person on Probation PoP Induction (rocstac.com) and brings together good practice from former CRCs and NPS. The induction is designed to ensure that there is good engagement with my PoP and help me establish a good working relationship. There will be developments to the induction pack in coming months to maximise engagement and I will be informed when this happens, as I will need to ensure I am always using the most up to date pack. If my PoP is deaf and uses British sign language, there is a video available for me to use to conduct the induction. If further support for specific non-spoken language is required, I can access HMPPS language support services via legal@clarion-uk.comThe Big Word also provide support for other language needs and I can access these services here.

Diversity Information Form

The EIF (Equalities Information Form) will be replaced by the Diversity Information Form (DIF), which will be communicated and made available via Equip in December 2021. I will collect equality information at the first point of contact allowing me to recognise the needs of people on probation (PoP) helping to engage with a complex and diverse range of PoPs to inform assessments, sentencing proposals, planning and delivery. This form enables my region to better understand its population in terms of protected characteristics, which will help to ensure that the services we commission locally better meet the needs of our PoPs.