Electronic Monitoring – Launching Alcohol Monitoring on License

From the middle of June, Alcohol Monitoring on License (AML) will be available as an intervention to directly support the management of alcohol related risk. On fitting the tag, the provider (EMS) will set up an account for the PoP on Scramnet, which includes their unique identifier number. This number will be emailed to my PDU Functional Mailbox and I will need to record this on nDelius via a new contact under ‘additional identifier’. On receipt of the Daily Action Plan from Scramnet in my PDU Functional Mailbox, I will log into Scramnet (using my six-digit PIN) to view any alerts for PoPs and, using the Unique Identifier, log into nDelius and record it as a new contact before informing my Practitioner.

I now have access to a recording of the relevant briefing sessions on EQuiP, along with the process for receiving and recording alerts.

Alcohol Monitoring on Licence (AML) – England (rocstac.com)

Alcohol Monitoring on Licence (AML) – Wales (rocstac.com)

Relevant to

These changes will apply to the following roles:

  • Case Administrator