Case Admin – Previous changes – January 2022

Move to full National Standards

In January 2022 full National Standards will be launched, there will be regional variations on achieving the standards and any variations in place will be communicated with me. I can find more information under related links.

New Resettlement Packs are coming

If my practitioners manage resettlement cases, I need to be aware of the new resettlement packs to which all Persons in Prison (PiP) will have access. The Resettlement packs will also be available on EQuiP. as a resource for Probation staff and on Virtual Campus in prisons for PiP. The packs provide information about what is available locally and nationally and will be available in January 2022 for the early adopter regions of Wales, South Central, West Midlands, North East and Yorkshire and the Humber. I will receive communication when these are available and if I need to support the use of these packs in any way.

Research shows that a smooth transition from custody into the community, with resources in place is more likely to ensure a PiP’s integration into their community and so aid rehabilitation.  Additionally, it will ensure that there is continuity in the management of risk, therefore protecting previous and protentional victims.