Joint Statement on Harmonisation – May 2022

This note provides a further update on the progress of the harmonisation negotiations currently underway between HMPPS and the 3 recognised Trade Unions; NAPO, UNISON and GMB SCOOP.  

We have now held 9 negotiation sessions thus far which continue to be both positive and constructive in arriving at an agreed harmonisation package to align the pay, terms and conditions of former Parent Organisation and Supply Chain colleagues to those of the Probation Service – subject to union members approving that package via staff ballots. 

All parties have engaged well in this process and remain highly motivated to arrive at a deal which represents the best harmonisation package for all -but we are not quite there yet.  As such, we cancelled the scheduled staff update sessions to enable us to focus the time on concluding the negotiations. 

We are now in the process of working through the final draft of the agreement, ensuring that all parties are satisfied with the content prior to sign off. We aim to conclude negotiations as soon as possible so that preparations can soon begin for the staff ballot, which we anticipate will now take place in June.   

We will want to ensure there is sufficient time for you to fully understand the terms on offer prior to a ballot commencing. We will confirm actual ballot dates and time frames to you as soon as we can. 

For those of you who have already signed up with a Trade Union, the TUs will be contacting everyone that has signed up and who they believe are in scope for the ballot directly. The TUs are also planning meetings with members to go through the agreement document once finalised. To help the TUs contact you, please do confirm your details to your harmonisation representative as soon as possible:

If you have joined a union and don’t hear from your representative soon, then contact the named TU rep above for the TU you have joined. 

If you haven’t yet joined a union, remember that you need to be a TU member in order to have a vote. Participating in the staff ballot is the only way you can have your say and your views be formally recognised. 

In the interim, if you have any questions about your own situation, then please contact your Trade Union representative (details above). General queries about the harmonisation or secondary transfer process can be submitted to the harmonisation functional mailbox;