Most relevant to colleagues in CRCs, Parent and Supply Chain Organisations

This page is no longer in use but provides reference to the learning we asked colleagues to complete prior to transition. You can access the learning for completion as part of the new unified Probation Service here.

Your pre-transition learning and development

Ahead of your move to the new unified probation service, we’ll post information here about the learning and support you’ll receive to help you feel equipped and confident ahead of the transition.

  • We value and recognise your skills and experience, so the learning we will ask you to undertake is focussed on what is essential so you can continue with your day to day job, pre and post transfer. This means you’ll able to access key learning resources that are focussed on changes to systems, processes, policies and ways of working.
  • We’re changing the way learning is designed and delivered by implementing a new L&D model for the new NPS. This refreshed approach means we are making greater use of digital resources (e.g. FAQs, checklists, videos etc.) to enable all staff (transferring and NPS) to access learning and support when it’s convenient for you, so you can learn at your own pace.
  • The learning that you will need to undertake will depend on your role and will vary depending on which organisation you are coming from. You can start to see what will be available, as we have outlined some of the learning resources that will be available pre-transfer below, and we will keep you informed of what you will need to do via the Welcome Hub and how to access these resources over the coming weeks.
  • If you are transferring from a parent organisation or a supply chain organisation, as opposed to a CRC, we will identify what, if any, learning is required pre-transfer. There will be some learning (such as Civil Service mandatory learning) that will be identified for you after your transition to the new Probation Service as well.
  • We are in the process of determining what learning will be available post-transfer. Once this has been agreed, we will let you know via the Welcome Hub.

Learning and development
Learning and GuidanceWhat this isWho it is for
Case Management and System Tools

Guidance to enable to you to confidently use case management systems and other key system tools (e.g. SOP, My Learning) in the NPS. This includes how to log on, generate passwords and navigate Probation Systems.
This will be available for all transferring staff. For organisations using bespoke case management and risk assessment systems you will receive additional communications about how your learning needs will be met.
Commissioned Rehabilitative Services and the Refer and Monitor an Intervention Digital System
Comprehensive learning and support on how to refer and monitor service users when using CRS external providersAll learning content – Probation Service Officers; Probation Officers Senior Probation Officers; CRS Champions; Prison based ETTG staff (Community Offender Managers)

A select blend of learning products – Court Staff; Administrators

Learning should be completed before June 26.

How to navigate Interventions Manager systemUsing the application for managing accredited programmes, including referrals, scheduling, attendance and completion.Relevant interventions staff.
Safeguarding (Child, Adult and Domestic Abuse)Continue to make use of the safeguarding learning where it is provided by your organisation, in line with the mandatory requirement to refresh your learning every three years.All staff involved in sentence management and interventions are encouraged to continue to utilise their CRC offer (where available) pre-transfer.
WRAP3Continue to make use of the learning on Prevent (safeguarding vulnerable people from being radicalised), where it is provided by your organisation. This is in line with the mandatory requirement to refresh your learning every three years.All staff involved in sentence management and interventions are encouraged to continue to utilise their CRC offer (where available) pre-transfer.