HDC – Referral to CAS2 (formerly BASS)

Who is this for?

Prison staff and COMs involved in the HDC process.

Why it is being issued?

To encourage referral to CAS2 and improve efficiency.

What is the message?

We want to make five brief points about the process:

  1. CAS2 adds value. Those provided with accommodation will be given help by the CAS2 support worker to move-in and to maintain occupancy. They will also receive help to find move-on accommodation during their time in CAS2, working in partnership with the COM. This will be through the provision of 2 hours of weekly support sessions. Furthermore, there will be increased ‘connectivity’ (WIFI) available throughout the CAS2 estate, which is planned to be installed for all properties between now and April 2023, with a BASIC Smart Phone supplied for those who require it. CAS2 also has gender specific accommodation for women
  2. It is for the POM, and not the COM, to make the referral to NacroCAS2. The referral should be made by the POM immediately following confirmation of HDC eligibility and in consultation with the COM to confirm the proposed release area is acceptable. It is crucial a referral is made at the earliest opportunity to avoid ‘timing out’, especially for those subject to short sentences. To note; those accepted into CAS2 with an HDCED too far in advance will be placed on a waiting list.
  3. CAS2 referral cases should have shorter Address Checks turnaround times. The COM must be invited to comment on the suitability of release to the proposed release area and may wish to make to make enquiries locally. But there is no requirement to visit/assess the specific CAS2 address or obtain informed consent, and requests for information from police and children’s services are not mandatory in most cases.
  4. Requests for information from police and children’s services are NOT mandatory in CAS2 cases, except where the individual is being considered for a CAS2 Family Unit. On a case-by-case basis, the COM may decide that they need further information in order to assess risk of release to the proposed release area, but requests are not mandatory because we do not consider that the curfew itself increases risk where release is to a CAS2 address.
  5. 5. CAS2 referral cases must not be recorded as approved for release until:
    • the COM has confirmed the area is suitable; and
    • NacroCAS2 has confirmed that the CAS2 referral has been approved; and
    • the decision-maker has approved the release

    Whilst awaiting confirmation by the COM and NacroCAS2, the case should be recorded as “postponed”.

How can I find out more?

More information is available in the CAS2 Policy Framework on GOV.UK and you can also email CAS2 team.

Queries about HDC should be directed to release.policy@justice.gov.uk.