Create and vary a licence digital service rolling out in 2022

Create and vary a licence (CVL) digital service is being introduced in England and Wales over the next few months.

The service allows:

  • probation practitioners to produce licences themselves, without the need for prison case administrators to send a PD1 form
  • probation practitioners to vary licences in the service after someone is released without involvement from the prison. Only licences created in the service can be varied using it. An NDelius variation form will still need to be used for others
  • senior prison staff to approve new licences with a digital signature
  • PDU heads to approve variations to existing licences with a digital signature
  • case administrators to print copies of the licence

It does not change the way you determine which additional conditions someone needs. You must continue to use EPF to do this.

For further information including implementation dates see the CVL probation hub page