Prepare a Case for Sentence Tool

The Probation Reform Programme’s Advice to Court workstream is improving local and national court liaison and engagement, so that the judiciary are aware of the range of effective interventions being delivered or commissioned by probation, assured of the quality and effectiveness of those services and confident about probation services and the delivery of community sentences.

Improving the quality of our advice to court will ensure that our proposals target specific interventions and treatment requirements, supporting reduced reoffending and promoting judicial confidence

The Probation Service’s new Prepare a Case for Sentence tool has been designed by and for probation practitioners and administrators in magistrates’ courts.  It provides an overview of all defendants attending court on a given day and, by delivering this information in a more accessible and usable format, court staff will be able to provide better advice to the court with less effort and minimise avoidable adjournments.

Benefits for court staff include:

  • Quick identification of potential probation cases of interest
  • Time saved identifying defendants known to probation and gathering case information such as offender manager details and current order information
  • Significant reduction in the number of clicks, screens and systems staff have to move between when preparing cases

Senior Probation Officers and regional operational leadership teams will lead each region’s rollout from December 2021, with the aim of all court staff in all 11 regions and Wales adopting the tool by June 2022.

To discover more, please see the update in the November Regional Team Briefing and supporting Staff FAQ.