Corporate and support services event Q&A ( 26th May)

Thank you for your attendance at the corporate and support services event on the 26th May. During the event we received a high number of queries that we weren’t able to answer during the session.

Due to the large volume of queries we have first prioritised questions related to the 4th June role alignment appeals deadline and the most commonly asked questions.  We have also answered each question and comment individually in this document.

Many of you ask about seeing team structures. The HMPPS and NPS National Structures can be viewed here. The MOJ functional team structures can be viewed in the induction packs here. The regional structures will be shared locally by each region.

We hope that this is helpful and we apologise that we were unable to answer more questions during the event.

If you missed the event you can watch the recording here.

The most commonly asked questions

Click on the + to expand the answers to the questions below. 

In the majority of cases, you will keep the same line manager after transfer. If you have not been matched to a role then you will find out about your line manager or your point of contact in your new team after your one to one discussion (on or around the 17th / 18th June, depending on where you align). If you have been matched to a role and your line manager is changing (for example because they aren’t transferring), then your future team will be in touch with you ahead of transfer with information about your new line manager. This is being arranged on a team or regional basis and therefore we cannot give a confirmed date for this activity.

In a small number of cases the line manager you see on SOP (the MOJ HR system) after you transfer may be different to your confirmed line manager, this is a data issue and will be amended after transfer.

Regional structures will be shared via your future region. Regional structures are being shared locally as there are some variations in structure for differing regions.

Structures for staff joining teams within the MOJ can be found as part of the induction packs here.

Structures for staff joining teams within the HMPPS or NPS National (Business strategy and change, Health and safety or contract management) can be found here.

The vast majority of people are not changing location. In the Probation Service and MOJ our people work from a variety of locations and this will continue after transfer. You will remain aligned to your current contractual location for the foreseeable future, unless you have been informed otherwise by your current employer due to an office closure. Any location changes have been discussed with current employers during measures consultation.

If you have been aligned to a role (NPS regions, NPS national or HMPPS), please ask your current employer for access to the job descriptions. Your current employer has been given the applicable job descriptions for matched staff and should be able to share these with you. If you have not been matched to a role then you will be invited to a one to one conversation. Following this you will receive a job description or role outline for day 1.

Before any additional transfer can happen (e.g. to HMPPS or MoJ), we will need to engage and consult with Trade Unions. This process is likely to take time and so any secondary transfers on from the the Probation Service will not happen immediately after transfer. If this is likely to apply to you then you’ll be kept up to date on any developments.

Questions relating to the appeals deadline

The 4th June is the appeal deadline for staff aligned to the NPS regions, NPS National or HMPPS and people aligned to team within the MOJ can appeal until the 9th July (as the process started slightly later). If you are aligned to the NPS or HMPPS you are unable to appeal your outcome after the 4th June however the one to one discussions will seek to find a solution that fits with your skills and experience and that you are comfortable with. If you have a no match outcome you can still appeal your decision ahead of your one to one discussion. If the issue is resolved during your one to one discussion please contact us and we can cancel your appeal.

We apologise if you have not heard back from any emails in to the role alignment mailbox, we are working through a significant backlog. Please assume we have received your email or appeal. We are working through a backlog of appeals so most people have not heard the outcome of their appeal yet. All appeals will be heard within the timelines highlighted here.

If you are aligned to a role within the MOJ then you have until the 9th July to appeal your outcome, this ensures you have more information on your matched role (as currently most staff aligned to FL haven’t been matched to a specific role). If you are aligned to the NPS Regions, NPS National or HMPPS then you should appeal on or before 4th June. Once you have appealed your outcome you cannot appeal it again.

The role alignment process is about understanding where your role fits within the structures of the Probation Service. If you appeal your role alignment outcome it should be because there is additional information to consider or because the information considered was incorrect. The process of addressing any areas of over and undersupply will take place post-transfer and it is important that we accurately understand the number of people we have aligned to different areas so that we can take the right action to address any over or under supply. In cases where the oversupply is small, then we are unlikely to take any action. In a small number of cases where the oversupply is more significant, then there may be a selection process to place people in to roles. This would be done in a fair and consistent way for both existing NPS staff and transferring staff and your future region or team will ensure you are kept informed during this process. If anyone did not secure a role in this process we would work with them to seek a suitable alternative role that suits their skills and experience.

The 9th July appeals deadline is only for staff aligned to the MOJ. We will aim to find you a suitable role based on your skills, knowledge and experience for Day 1 (done through one to one conversations). You will hear this outcome and receive a job outline on or around the 17th June. This will give you further information on which to appeal, before the 9th July deadline.

Thank you for your comment. You are right that unmatched staff who are aligned to the Probation Service (regions or national) or HMPPS do have the right to appeal even if their outcome is unmatched. The appeals deadline has been deferred for MOJ aligned staff to ensure that unmatched staff have more information before being asked to appeal. We apologise if this wasn’t clear or was misrepresented during the event.