Create a vary a licence

To simplify the creation and variation of accurate and easy to understand licences for people leaving prisons, I will now have a new digital assessment and pre-release tool available to me. This will allow me and staff within the prison, to create licences for people leaving prison and allow me to vary licences for people in the community. Initially, only people released on license after the launch of the tool will be eligible.
The tool will replace the need to complete a PD1 form and instead, I will select the PiP from my personal case list, enter initial appointment details, select additional conditions (if needed), enter bespoke conditions (if needed) and submit the licence to the prison. The prison governor will check and approve, leaving the Prison Case Administrator to print out a copy for the PiP. I can see licence history before varying, enter my decisions and rationale, and submit to my Head of PDU to approve.

Relevant to

These changes taking place in July 2022 will affect a number of roles including:

  • Probation Officer