Probation Notification and Actioning Project (PNAP)

From Spring 2023, a dedicated administration team will communicate with prisons to identify People in Prison with referrals to community service providers on release. The service will launch in Southeast England and South Wales and roll out gradually in line with NHS regions till the end of 2023. My region will inform me as to when this service is available to us.

Instead of practitioners liaising with the prisons to find out if an appointment has been made with a community service provider, they will be notified via email by the Probation Notification and Actioning Project (PNAP) Team. Not only will this save time, but it will also help to manage risk and support the continuation of treatment from custody into the community.

To ensure risk is managed, I will be notified by the PNAP team if the practitioner they are contacting is away, or if there has been no action taken 15 working days after release.

Management information will be available via the PNAP Dashboard and will include regional data on appointment attendance and referral volumes.

Relevant to

  • Probation Officer
  • Probation Services Officer