Continuous professional development (CPD) by role

Continuous professional development packs will be available for my role by the end of April 2022. These will provide confirmation of and easy access to all mandatory and required training for my role, as well as details of other training that might be of interest to me as supporting my professional development. This will save me time as it will be easier for me to identify the training I require, as well as see training that may support my development in one place. It enables me to be responsible for, and keep up to date with my professional development, and allows my manager to support me in both my required learning, but also identify areas of further development depending on my learning needs.

It is my responsibility to update My Learning with all learning I do outside the civil service/My Learning platforms, i.e Probation Institute or external accredited bodies. Any learning in do in Civil Service Learning, will automatically update my My Learning record and soon, I will be able to record additional learning under the identified learning pathways for my role. If I move roles and my mandatory learning is up to date, I will only need to complete any additional learning specific to that role. I may also undertake further desirable learning depending on my learning needs and interests.

To support me further in my professional development, I can also see the learning for roles I may want to move into. This transparent approach to my organisation’s learning culture, will help me to understand how I can develop and which roles I may enjoy or be best suited to in the future.

There will be briefings available to me in April and June, and I can access more detailed information and guidance on the Probation Hub.

Relevant to

  • All staff