Introducing the CFO3 programme, CFO Activity Hubs and Commissioned Rehabilitative Services

CFO is a dedicated co-financing organisation. CFO3 is the name of the current programme and targets offenders who have difficulty accessing current mainstream services.

Hubs provide a safe space for ex-offenders to build a healthier, more stable and fulfilling life. Linking community engagement activities with key support, the hubs provide a safe space to learn, develop new skills and meet new people.

A range of services are available from specialist external providers to meet key areas of rehabilitative need including: Accommodation; Employment, Training and Education; Personal Wellbeing; and Women’s Services. Contracted providers of these commissioned rehabilitative services work closely with probation practitioners and community interventions teams to ensure that the best outcomes are achieved for service users.

Service users with RARs and Licences/Post-Sentence Supervision are able to access these services. Accommodation and a Personal Well-Being Mentoring services are available pre-release.

HMPPS CFO services have been operating successfully alongside probation for several years, ensuring that CFO delivery adds value to the statutory offer.  The same approach has been taken for the introduction of the CFO Activity Hubs in 2021.

Activity Hub participants are referred by CFO3 prime providers, the Probation Service, Prison Education Framework (PEF) providers, prison-based staff, as well as by self-referral.  Referrals will be focused on those individuals not successfully engaging with statutory activity or those who need additional support. Provision offered at the Hubs is delivered by CFO provider staff and primarily focusses on delivery which will enhance resettlement services.

Processes and protocols currently in place to manage existing CFO contracts are implemented to ensure that all activity adds value and is complementary.

The CFO Activity Hub model offers the opportunity to realise cross-departmental benefits as offenders are supported to overcome barriers including substance misuse, lack of work skills, lack of secure accommodation etc. within a risk of harm framework.  CFO are non-enforceable and focus on engaging people and are helpful where people on probation have a range of needs, some of which need can be addressed by voluntary attendance. CFO offers additional wraparound support both during and after more formal CRS take place.

CRS are helpful where people on probation have priority needs linked to their offending and which are the focus of RAR activity or the Licence period and where regular engagement with the probation practitioner is needed in relation to progress towards outcomes.  CRS can be used for RAR days/ Licence appointments and sessions are enforceable.

For more detail on how these services align and complement one another see the regional guides

CFO3 delivery is running until the end of August 2023.  The Activity Hubs end in October 2023.  Commissioned Rehabilitative Services described here were launched in June 2021

Commissioned Rehabilitative Services will be delivered in all probation regions of England and Wales at locations agreed with Regional Probation Directors.

HMPPS CFO does not cover all prisons or community areas, although the combination of CFO3 and CFO Activity Hubs will provide significant geographical coverage across England.  (Cornwall has a separate ESF designation and is not covered by CFO delivery).  Although HMPPS CFO also does not deliver in Wales, Welsh people held in English prisons are eligible to access services.  The locations have been selected based on the known offender population in each region. There will also be a Hub located within HMP Holme House focusing on veterans.  The programme is split into nine areas across England – See map.

CFO3 is delivered in prisons and community sites across England.  The following link will take you to the CFO3 delivery map which contains detail of all specific delivery locations:

CFO – there is no standardised central referral process to either CFO3 or the CFO Activity Hubs.  All referral routes have or will be agreed locally between the relevant prime provider and Probation Service team within each area. See regional guides for further information.

CRS – The CRS Refer and Monitor digital tool will enable simple referral and information exchange.

Note that referrals to CFO can be made at any time, from a range of sources, although it is expected that the majority of referrals will come from Probation Practitioners.  Individuals are not required to have completed any specific part of their sentence before a referral can be made.  People on Probation may also refer themselves – note that where the referral comes from somewhere other than Probation, the CFO prime provider is expected to liaise with the Probation Practitioner immediately to ensure that support is appropriate and fits with sentence planning arrangements.

To help bring this to life, here are three typical case studies. See how our services come together to support these three people on probation, all with different backgrounds, needs and relationships.

Region-specific CRS/CFO explainers

Region-specific CRS/CFO explainers are now available highlighting the different services on offer through both CRS and the current CFO programmes (CFO3 and CFO Activity Hubs).  The 2-pagers explain the differences in approach and illustrate how CFO and CRS complement each other and when each service may be needed.  Also includes information on how to refer and key contact details.