SEEDS2 for Managers

From April 2022 if I am yet to complete SEEDS2 for Managers learning or did so before 2016, I should complete the SEEDS2 for Managers training. If I undertook SEEDS training as a manager between 2016-2020 whilst employed by either the NPS or a CRC, I am not required to complete this training however, if I would like to attend, I can discuss with my line manager prior to booking. There is also a suite of digital resources available which I can access at the point of need to support me in my job.  If I am a PSO, I will need to have completed my Module 1 learning or equivalent before attending my SEEDs2 Sessions.

SEEDS2 underpins the POD Model and uses a person centred, relational approach to practice, to ensure we get the best outcomes for people on probation and staff.  SEEDS2 is the way we work, practice and treat people, like the coat that we wear every day. The SEEDS2 learning product will take me on a journey of professional and personal development, asking me to explore and consider my own role in adopting SEEDS2 principles and how I apply them with my team. Sharing practice and learning from each other creates a reflective environment, reducing staff attrition. The SEEDS2 learning product is evidence-based and has been updated in line with latest research to incorporate more information on reflective practice and emotional labour.

Over a 4-week period, I will attend four, three-hour sessions, with a two-week gap in between sessions two and three to allow me to complete an observation and post observation review meeting.

My sessions will be held virtually, with peers from other regions and specialisms, promoting accessibility, wider inclusion and knowledge sharing.

A robust evaluation is needed to assess if SEEDS2 is achieving the desired impact on organisational performance. As such, different PDUs will undertake the learning at different times. Decisions around when each PDU participates were agreed in conjunction with my RPD and the Learning and Development (L&D) Design Faculty. I can find out when I should book my sessions here.

My practitioners will train after me unless I am part of the control group in Birmingham where, for the purpose of the evaluation, the order will be reversed.

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  • Managers