Moving to Mixed Caseloads

Holding a greater variety of cases supports the professional development of my team developing their skills and knowledge, whilst also providing greater opportunities for career progression. Two tools are available on the probation hub to assist me in assessing and supporting them to complete the required L&D, the SPO assurance consideration document and L&D role checklists. Once I am assured that my staff member is ready, I will authorise allocation of cases previously unfamiliar to them. The full benefits of mixing caseloads will be realised in stages due to resourcing and recruitment within my region. My region and Head of PDU will determine with me, any learning I may need to the move to managing a team with a varied caseload.

Investment in our estate will ensue that Probation Contact Centres are safe and secure, to enable the majority of our offices to deliver mixed caseloads. My region will provide me with further information about what this means for me and my site, but my team may be required to see some PoP in a different office or location for a while.

Relevant to

These May changes apply to:

  • Senior Probation Officers