New workload measurement tool (WMT)

I will use the revised Workload Measurement Tool (WMT) as one of a handful of methods to measure the demand and resource needs, as it better represents the new operating model. The new WMT, is a mechanism that helps HMPPS deliver the Workload Management Strategy, helping inform senior leadership when managing resourcing and demand management in my region. This will ensure I have the resource within my team and supporting services.

It does this by applying proxy points calculations based on the caseload. These points are formed by a list of tasks and timings and is designed to measure my team’s workload based on what is being expected of them now, so although it may look familiar, I will see some differences. The changes I see aren’t a sign of my team’s workload or capacity changing, but simply a reflection of their recent workload based on current policies, national standards and what is being asked of them today. It will be further developed as my region moves towards delivering the full Target Operating Model (TOM) which means I will have a more reliable overview of capacity, allowing me to allocate cases in a more informed way.

The way I use the Case Management system (CMS) has also been redefined and reviewed to increase accuracy and consistency, and details of this are included in the briefing packs provided.

The Allocation Tool will be available to me later in 2022, will support me to allocate cases and access information to support best practice allocation decisions in one place, rather than accessing multiple tools. The WMT is one of many tools to help me manage workload, however open dialogue with my staff will remain the priority. See ‘related links’ for more information.

In the ‘related links’ I will find more details on the WMT and an briefing pack for me to use when briefing my team, . At the end of June, I will also be able to access briefing information on the CMS and a short video explaining the WMT.

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